Wednesday, July 11, 2012

SS94HSC: Workbook Chapter 1

1) Q: A smart SSer never plans the states he wants a woman to experience.
1) A: FALSE. "Always communicate with an outcome in mind." However, plans should be flexible, or the slightest unexpected event will completely foil them.

2) Q: Get a girl hot and bothered first, then create a deep connection.
2) A: FALSE. Create the connection first, as mentally healthy people are only comfortable lusting for someone they can feel comfortable and safe around.

3) Q: Love is...
3) A: C, a result of a mental process that one can undergo or be directed to undergo. People simply choose not to most of the time.

4) Q: On a date, the most important thing to think about is...
4) A: D, none of the above. Focus externally, be aware of her signals and responses, key words and internal patterns.

5) Q: List states to install
5) A: Absolute comfort, total fascination, incredible desire, extreme lust!

6) Q: "Nice guys" only manage to get women to experience...
6) A: B, mild comfort and enjoyment. Kind of like how it feels to play a low-intensity video game.

7) Q: SS works by...
7) A: D, deciding what states you want her to experience, directing her to feel these feelings, and linking them to being around you.

9) Q: An example of a softener is...
9) A: C, the polite introduction to a question that is going to go places!

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