Amid all the claims of "text game," I call bullshit. There's no such thing as text game. There is only being attractive enough in the conventional sense that she chooses to make it work out for you.
I'll explain why. Depending on who makes up the figures, communication is 65-70% body language, 25-30% tone of voice, and 5-10% content. When you're texting, you have only 5-10% of your ability to communicate at your disposal. If you were to compare this to walking, texting would be equivalent to being a paraplegic in a wheelchair that ran out of battery power. If you were to get anywhere, she'd have to push you!
The point of seduction is not to need her push. You need her participation, but you don't need her to carry you. I'll boldly say that if your method or strategy requires women to carry you through any part of it, you are not practicing seduction, you're just lucky. So, effectively, text game cannot and does not exist.
What does exist is the text zone. This is when a girl won't pick up your calls, doesn't call back, but will text you and respond to your texts. Naturally, she never wants to see your face again, either. I see so many threads on forums about "what should I text her?" or "I was texting this girl and __________ where did I go wrong?"
The good news is that, in these scenarios, it wasn't anything they said. It was because they're pansies who let themselves get text zoned.